Hawaii, music and dolphins . . . Elakoyah!
The first time I ever sang solo in public was in 2004 on the Big Island of Hawaii, this was when I was invited to an outdoor concert and 'my voice found me'.Whilst relaxing on the grass enjoying the music, I heard a very soft gentle voice asking me to 'please go and sing'. Looking around I could see no one speaking to me so I ignored it and continued to listen to the music. After the third time of hearing this gentle voice, which I now felt within my heart and of the earth, I obediently walked towards the stage in complete surrender of what may happen (I was not a singer, though had been in the school choir for a while many years ago) taking a deep breath I surrendered into the moment, and began to sing...the purest sounds began to come through me into the night skies...these organic tones slowly evolved into a language that felt ancient,wise and beautiful. I experienced a profound feeling of peace,sacredness and connection,a oneness with all of Creation.
Everyone's experience of my music ,of this ethereal heartfelt language is very personal and unique. Some feelings for its origins have been that it is Angelic...or maybe a dolphin language? or Lemurian?...one man was once convinced I was singing in Inuit! for others maybe Celtic, Mongolian, African or Indian? Or some ask am I singing in Tongues?...Preserving lost languages from ancient civilisations?..also felt as the ancient language of our earth,of Gaia, the voice of our ancestors, a prehistoric language rooted at the beginning of time...a voice of truth, of love,of colour of pure light...
I feel very blessed and do not try and explain this rainbow mystery, I let it happen!
... E L A K O Y A H ...